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Sunday 21 February 2016

Astral Travel – (793)


This article is an attempt to describe what astral travel, astral unfolding or astral projection is and of course to provide you with some practices to experiment for yourself.

Astral Travel Definition Excerpts

The following excerpts describe what astral travel is and how it can be done.

“Before we go into these ideas in more detail, let me say this. To an occultist, the act of astral projecting entails transferring one’s consciousness to the astral body and exploring the astral plane. “

Excerpt from: “What is Astral Projection”, by Donald Degracia

“It is not dangerous to project the astral body because everyone goes out in the astral body while sleeping. Whoever wants to awaken consciousness during sleep must know the key of “discernment.”
While sleeping, every human being moves in the internal worlds with the consciousness asleep. The soul, dressed in its astral body, abandons the physical body while sleeping. This is how the Etheric body can repair the dense body.

When the soul enters the physical body, then we wake up from natural sleep.

While in the internal worlds the souls occupy themselves in the same daily chores; therefore they buy and sell, like in the physical world. The souls of the living and of those who have died live together during sleep. In the internal worlds we see everything as we do in the physical world: the same sun, the same clouds, the same houses of the city, everything is the same.

Now our Gnostic disciples will understand why the deceased do not accept they are dead. Now our disciples will comprehend why the souls of the living buy and sell, work, etc, while sleeping.

By traveling in the astral body is how we know the mysteries of life and death. Every human being goes out in the astral body during sleep. We can know the great mysteries of life and death by awakening consciousness during sleep. There is a key in order to awaken consciousness while sleeping: the key of discernment.

Let’s see: if you are going down a street and you encounter a friend, or see objects that catch your attention, take a little jump with the intention of floating; it’s logical that if you float it’s because you are outside of your physical body; nevertheless, if you do not float it is because you are in the physical body.

It so happens that we act in the internal worlds, during sleep, in the same way that we act in the body of flesh and bone; and if we add to this that we see everything there in the same way that we see it here in the physical world; then we will comprehend that only if we manage to fly will we awaken consciousness so as to realize that we are in the astral body.

This exercise is practiced constantly while in the vigil state and in the presence of anything that is curious. What we do during the vigil state is repeated while we sleep. If we do this practice while sleeping, the result will be that when we jump we will end up floating in the astral body, then our consciousness will awaken and full of happiness we will say: I am in the astral body.

In this way we could head towards the Holy Gnostic Church in order to speak personally with the Angels, Archangels, Seraphim, Prophets, Masters, etc., and in this way we will be able to receive instructions from the Great Masters of the White Lodge, in this way we will be able to travel in the astral body through the infinite.

We do not need to destroy the mind with so many books and theories. In the internal worlds we can receive the teachings of the Masters. When awakening from natural sleep, the disciples must make an effort to remember everything they saw and heard during sleep.

It is necessary that our disciples learn how to interpret their own inner experiences. By studying the Book of Daniel, in the Bible, you will be able to learn to interpret your inner experiences.

Sleep and memory are powers that allow us to know the great mysteries of life and death.

Dreams are astral experiences. Dreams are real.”

Excerpt from: “The Supreme Message”, by Samael Aun Weor.


Astral travel is about consciously transferring one’s consciousness into the astral body, that is if one has an astral body, and then leaving the physical body to explore the astral plane with the astral body. If on the other hand if one does not have an astral body, astral travel is to consciously transfer one’s consciousness into the astral plane to explore the astral plane as consciousness.

The best and most natural moment to project one’s consciousness into the astral plane is just before falling asleep. In the moments just before falling asleep the ties between the physical body and the astral body loosen and if we are aware enough we can take advantage of this moment and move our consciousness into the astral body.

None the less astral travel is a very natural activity that many people in the world have experienced at one point in their life. To cultivate it consciously on the other hand can be a marvellous tool to understand more about life, especially about where we go when we die and the why of many things that here in the physical world, are still a mystery.

End (793).

1 comment:

  1. last night in the moment of astral travel , the Georgia gaurd stone,was connected to / energy feild soon to do harm to the masses, then within ,its like i landed /tremble u know,in thoughts my divine
