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Sunday 28 February 2016

Eliphas Levi on Points of Balance - (806)


This excerpt from Eliphas Levi, reveals how important balance is. For me what this excerpt reveals is that there are two opposites or two different qualities and when you bring them together in balance you create something very different to both of them and that something different is a magical quality that is of the Being and the consciousness and is a quality that is most useful in life and esotericism and it is a quality that creates harmony.
The following excerpt comes from a book titled “The Great Secret” by Eliphas Levi. The excerpt is the first thirteen paragraphs of chapter VII.


“The whole power of magic is in the central point of the universal equilibrium.
The wisdom which strikes this equilibrium is contained in these four dicta: know the truth, will what is good, love beauty, do what is just! Because truth, goodness, beauty and justice are inseparable; so that he who knows the truth must need will what is good, to love it because it is beautiful and to do it because it is just.
The central point in the intellectual and moral order is the link between science and faith. In human nature this central point is the medium in which soul and body combine to establish the identity of their action.
In physics it stands for the resultant of opposing forces compensated by one another.
Understand this link, take possession of this medium, act upon this resultant!
(“And ye shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil”).
The point of balance between life and death is the great secret of immortality.
The point of balance between day and night is the mainspring of the movement of the worlds.
The balancing point between science and faith is the great secret of philosophy.
The balancing point between order and liberty is the great secret of politics.
The balancing point between men and women is the great secret of love.
The balancing point between will and emotion, between action and reaction is the great secret of power.
The great secret of high magic, the inexpressible, incommunicable secret is nothing other than the balancing point between the relative and the absolute.”

End (806).

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