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Thursday 4 February 2016

Human Being is the Number 5 - (757)


This excerpt explains why the number of the human being is the number 5.

Excerpt taken from the book “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” by Manly P. Hall.


“As man's physical body has five distinct and important extremities--two legs, two arms, and a head, of which the last governs the first four--the number 5 has been accepted as the symbol of man. By its four corners the pyramid symbolizes the arms and legs, and by its apex the head, thus indicating that one rational power controls four irrational corners. The hands and feet are used to represent the four elements, of which the two feet are earth and water, and the two hands fire and air. The brain then symbolizes the sacred fifth element--æther--which controls and unites the other four. If the feet are placed together and the arms outspread, man then symbolizes the cross with the rational intellect as the head or upper limb.”


It is written in the makeup of our body that our reason or consciousness must command the lower centres and our consciousness must also come to command the four elements.

End (757).

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