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Thursday 18 February 2016

Little Mermaid Story - (791)


The story of the “Little Mermaid” is quite well known, even Disney has made an animation about it.

Seems as Though it Could be True

According to esoteric writings it certainly seems true that the elementals of the water, the undines or mermaids can take physical form or present themselves in such a way that they can be perceived by human beings. Esoteric writing also say that mermaids are very beautiful and human beings, typically men, can fall in love with them. The result of such a love seems to always be that the human being enters the realm of the mermaids and disappears from the human world.


There are claims, old and modern, that these elementals of the water do take human form and even Master Samael said that at one point he had an elemental of the sea working as a house maid, providing some cleaning services for his house. He said that she brought tears into the house, because she was an elemental of the sea. So this suggests that the elementals of the sea can take human form. Perhaps they take human form from birth in order to fulfil a certain purpose or to experiment the human realm temporarily. I am not too sure. There are mysteries and mysteries.

This suggests that undines have a special power to crystallise into the physical from the astral or vital that is from where they dwell.

Another Version

I have also come across another version of the little mermaid story that goes along the lines of explaining that the elementals of nature’s waters wish to know the human world, though because they only possess the wisdom of below because they are still evolving they because they are also so beautiful and sensual in their nature they end up seducing the human being, and the human being falls and then enters into the world of what the elemental of nature’s waters only knows, that is the world of nature and evolution from the very bottom to an elemental of nature’s waters.

Concluding Reflections

I think it is right to love the elementals they in fact do so much to keep the beautiful world in which we live in functioning in balance and harmony. Especially the elementals of the seas, they are very benevolent with us even though with our constant abuse we give them more than enough reasons to be harsh with us.

Though in loving the elementals we must remember we are human beings seeking the realisation and that the real human being comes to be a king of nature where the elemental forces come under the just and noble command of such a real human being. To become like them is to forget ourselves. To wish to be their friends and to benefit them and be helped by them on occasion is a different and is within the realm of what we can do and according to esoteric writing sit is how they respect us.

End (791).

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