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Wednesday 10 February 2016

Marriage is a Wonderful Thing - (774)


People can have the view and certainly some people put across this view, that marriage is something difficult, yet there is something good about it, but for the larger part it is difficult and to enjoy the good which is smaller in comparison to the difficult, you just have to endure and endure.

Three Types of Marriages

There are three types of marriages which are:
  1.             Karmic
  2.        Dharmic
  3.            Conscious

Obviously the person who has this view that marriage is wonderful comes from the point of view of a dharmic marriage.

It is good to know though, that a marriage can be dharmic and hey do exist. This is good to contrast against one’s views and thinking about marriage.

Dharmic and Karmic Marriage

Obviously a person may marry one person and that marriage may end up being karmic, yet marry another and it may end up being dharmic. Or whoever one marries, the marriage may end up being karmic. It depends a lot on the Divine Law and one’s level of karma. If the Law decrees that one is to have a dharmic marriage then it will be dharmic with the minor part being some payment of karmic debts.

A Dharmic marriage will have the elements of dharma active in both people, that is both will be capable of respecting, valuing, appreciating and loving to some degree one another.

Conscious Marriage

For the Gnostic the aspiration is a conscious marriage, and certainly as one works one progresses toward that end. There within a conscious marriage the work on oneself reigns and the relationship is more essence to essence or consciousness to consciousness and the major goal of the marriage is to accomplish the work of the realisation of person’s Being.

There are three types of relationships, which are personality to personality and ego to ego and essence to essence. An essence to essence relationship is the one from where a dharmic marriage can mostly exist from. Ego to ego and personality to personality certainly do not allow for a dharmic marriage. But sometimes essence to ego or essence to personality can allow for a dharmic marriage, but not all the time, perhaps for just enough to keep things going, who knows.

Of course when the consciousness reigns there is balance and there is the absence of suffering and difficulty.

Often conscious marriages start off as karmic and with the work they are transformed into dharmic and then into conscious.

Some people are lucky in that they start with a dharmic marriage and then begin working and slowly transition to a conscious marriage. This is the ideal situation and is much better and easier and quicker to move into a conscious marriage.

Only really the work of the two people can transform a karmic marriage into the dharmic one.

End (774).

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