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Thursday 11 February 2016

Notes on the Sexual Energy - (777)


The following are some notes that I took one night during a class that my marvellous missionary gave last year.

Sexual Energy

  • The sexual energy creates everything.
  • The stronger one’s sexual energy is the stronger one’s will is, and the more force one will have in many areas of life and the work.
  • The main problem is that people lack consciousness of the work. There is a need to become more aware of the elements of the work, and the sexual energy is one of these elements that we need to become very much more aware of.

Love as Foundation of the Sexual Energy

  • Love is the foundation of the sexual energy. It is the only element that the sexual energy uses to create.
  • Even the solar bodies are created with an act of love. The Divine Mother only awakens where there is love.
  • Sexual energy belongs to the Holy Spirit and we need to take care of it and ask permission to work with it.
  • Sexual energy can be trapped in one centre, each centre must be kept in its orbit and commanded by the consciousness.


  • Participation, communion and integration is what is needed in the practice of Alchemy.
  • Lust and chastity are the two sides of the same coin. We may have lots of sexual energy and if we channel that force we are not lustful.
  • Escaping from the sexual force is not taming or channelling it.

Thinking Sexually

  • The foundation of our thinking is really sexual.
  • If we love the sexual energy or sexual force we will love the Being. To work with the sexual energy and to love it is the same thing as loving the consciousness and the Being.
  • Lustful people like the sexual act and do it for themselves but if we do it for the Being it is not lust.
  • We have to use sexuality in the three spheres. Transmute physically, die psychologically and awaken Kundalini which is an esoteric work.
  • If we have a negative thought while transmuting that is waste, that is something that has no function and is not needed, so we must discard it.
  • We have to change our way of thinking related to sexuality.
  • There is a right way to think sexually.

Cultivate Sexual Energy

  • If you want to be strong cultivate your sexual energy, your life force.
  • We need to combine sexual yearning with spiritual yearning.
  • Homosexuality is a rebellion against the Being, it comes from Lemuria.

End (777).

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