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Tuesday 2 February 2016

Rattlesnake Cure for Cancer - (748)

It Works! No Lie!

I would like in this post to say most solemnly that in my limited experience of only being involved in two cases of cancer that the rattlesnake cure really does work. The remedy that Master Samael left for us to cure cancer really works, he did leave us with a possible cure, but instead a real cure. This post is to say that this cure works and definitely does something, I’m going to explain the details of the two cases that I am privy to.

Case One

In case one, the person before starting the rattlesnake treatment has cancerous section on his liver around about 42mm in diameter. After about three weeks of taking the rattlesnake treatment, not eating meat and not having any other treatment the cancerous area was 10mm less in diameter down to 32mm. This is a 24% decrease in diameter of the cancer in only three weeks. This is really amazing.

Furthermore these measurements were all taken by doctors in a CAT scan.

Case Two

In case two, the person before starting the rattlesnake treatment had a cancerous growth in his lungs and because of that cancerous growth fluid was building up in his lungs. Upon initial discovery of the cancer more than 2 litres of fluid was removed from his lungs.

He then had a special procedure done to encapsulate that cancer in talcum powder so that no more fluid could build up in his lungs. This seemed to work for a while. However, he it seemed to get more fluid on his lungs. He then began the rattlesnake treatment, however he ate meat and though did not take any other medicine to combat the cancer.

Eventually fluid had to be removed from his lungs and 1.6L was removed. He continued the treatment increasing the dosage to three capsules per day and ate less meat. A third drain of fluid from his lungs was performed and this time 0.6L of fluid was removed.

This indicates that his cancerous growth in his lungs was definitely becoming less effective at producing that fluid. Meaning that the cancer was weakened or had decreased in size.

Cancer - Karma for Fornication

Master Samael said that cancer is the karma for fornication, why cancer just does not formed in the sexual organs is a mystery, there seem to be many types of cancer that attack various parts of the body.

Anyhow cancer is a growth that is unusual and breaks the harmony in the body and is a destructive growth at that. Which is what we do with the ego, we develop the bad habits of the ego and while doing so, do things that are irregularly harmful for the body, for the psychology and the spirit.

Fornication is like that, it is a development that is insatiable and grows and as it grows it produces great disorder in our physical life, our body, psychology and soul.

How it is Administered

The rattlesnake cure is administered by taking dried rattlesnake meat capsules at least twice a day with meals. If the case is quite severe one standard sized capsule can be taken every hour.

I has been said that Master Samael treated a case of a lady whose cancer was metastasizing all over her body and he recommended her to take one capsule hourly and to practice the Alchemy (that is transmute) as many times as you wish or can during the day.

She also was cured.

Don’t Eat Meat

It is recommended while taking the rattlesnake treatment ot no eat meat and of course it makes sense not to drink alcohol either.

No Other Treatments Except the Rattlesnake

It is also recommended to not apply any other type of treatment for cancer, this is because the elemental of the rattlesnake, which is the main healing component of the rattlesnake treatment, is said to be quite jealous and does not like interference in its healing procedure.

If possible put on hold the common conventional cures for cancer.


Well there you have it, two testimonies. If it happens that someone has cancer, seriously try his remedy and have faith in it that it will work and have faith in Master Samael who left it behind for us.

Transmutation is an extraordinary weapon to combat cancer as well. They must be combined.

End (748).


  1. Do you have any idea on where to obtain these capsules of dried rattlesnake meat?

    1. I had a friend purchase dried rattle snake skeletons in the markets in Mexico. then we put them in Blenders and ran the powder through floor sifters to get the best powder. then put the powder in Double 00 V caps that can be purchased at any health food or Vitamin store. I stopped my radiation and Chemo treatments, and I cured my stage 3 colorectal cancer with this rattlesnake powder in capsules. i have been cancer free for over a year. you have to do this your self, no pharmacy sells this and certainly no U.S. doctor is going to recommend it. it wasn't until i spent three weeks in the hospital with chemo poisoning that I decided I would seek other forms of treatment. I have recommended this to other friends who have tried it and they have been cured as well, my friends who choose to stay with chemo........

  2. I have sum r.s.powder from mexico i like ro knw what it good dor beaides curing cancer anyone knw ??
