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Sunday 7 February 2016

The Astral Body - (763)


This article is an attempt to provide the reader with information about the astral body. This article follows on from the previous article on the astral plane. For each plane or dimension of nature there must be an appropriate body to exist, ‘be’ and move in that dimension. As above so below, we have a physical body to exist, ‘be’ and move in the physical world of three dimensions and so we must have by this great axiom, a body to exist, ‘be’ and move in the higher dimensions of nature.

The following excerpts describe the astral body, which is also often referred to as one’s double or the astral double.

Excerpts on the Astral Body

“So, the astral body is material, and it is a dense organism such as the physical body. The fact that matter in its last synthesis is reduced to energy does not deny its existence once in that state. If we cannot see it with our sense of sight it is because it belongs to the fourth dimension. Our physical eyes will not serve for seeing the astral plane until we make them suitable for this purpose, or until we place ourselves into the astral plane with our physical body. Thus, the astral organism is as dense as the physical organism, yet, it belongs to another department of the kingdom.

The astral body is much more sensitive than the physical body. The astral organism is like a duplicate of the physical organism. As the physical body has to be nourished with food related to its nature, so does the astral body.

The Occultist utilizes the astral body for his studies and for his great investigations, because such a body is advantageously arranged over the physical body. Time and distance do not exist for the astral body, and what one learns through it remains immediately recorded within the consciousness of the Being forever.”

Excerpt from the book: “The Revolution of Beelzebub”, by Samael Aun Weor.

“If material objects exist in this physical plane, likewise material solid objects exist within the astral region, because the astral plane is as material as the physical plane. Moreover, we can visit the astral plane any time we want by penetrating within it with our physical body of flesh and bones, dressed and prepared as if we are going on the street for a walk.”

Excerpt from the book: “The Revolution of Beelzebub”, by Samael Aun Weor.

How is the Astral Body Created?

“As above so below” gives us the answer, as the physical body is created with sex, the astral body is also created using sex, though a very different procedure is required. For more information about this please refer to the articles on Alchemy.

The following excerpts explain this further.

Excerpts on Creating an Astral Body

“That matter of fabricating the astral body has been, is, and will always be an absolutely sexual problem.

There exists an occultist maxim that says, “As above so below.” We could also say, “As below so above.”

If in order to engender the physical body, the sexual union of the phallus and the uterus is always needed; it is absolutely logical to say that in order to engender the solar astral body, the sexual act is indispensably needed.

Inside that complicated and difficult labyrinth of pseudo esotericism and pseudo occultism, there cannot be lacking, from time to time, some degenerated infra-sexual, who goes around saying, that since we have the two poles, masculine feminine, within, one can fabricate the astral body without the need of the sexual act.”

Excerpt from the book: “The Solar Bodies”, by Samael Aun Weor.

“Sexual Hydrogen is developed within the human organism according to the musical scale Do Re Mi-Fa Sol La Si.

The Sexual Hydrogen Si 12 abounds in the semen, crystallizes new human bodies and wisely transmuted takes form in the astral body.

By refraining the sexual impulse in order to avoid ejaculation of the semen, the Sexual Hydrogen Si 12 receives a special shock that takes it to a second superior octave, which is processed in accordance with the seven notes of the scale: Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si.

No occultist should ignore that the transformation of the substances inside of the organism is processed according to the Law of the Octaves.

The union of the male and female Si 12 and everything that accompanies these two unities, allows us to pass the Sexual Hydrogen to a second superior octave, the result of which ends up being the crystallization of the said hydrogen into the marvellous form of the astral body. The said body of perfection is born from the same material, from the same substance, from the same matter from which the physical body is born; this is precisely the transmutation of lead into gold; the transformation of the physical body into the astral body.”

Excerpt from the book: “The Solar Bodies”, by Samael Aun Weor.

The astral body is greatly strengthened when we transform the impressions that we receive in our daily life. Transforming the various impressions of our daily life also helps us to fabricate the astral body when we are working in order to create it.


The astral body is something that not all human beings have. Those who have it, have it because they have worked to create it in the past, and those who do not have it, can work to create it in this life. One knows that one has an astral body when one can use it, that is travel with it consciously in the astral plane.

The astral body is a body of flesh and bone made up of a superior type of matter and energy than our physical body. It is the result of the transmutation of the sexual energy. The astral body allows one to enter, exist and ‘be’ in the astral dimension of nature. It is the right body to exist in and move in the astral plane. The matter of the astral body is of the same nature of the matter in the astral plane.

End (763).

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