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Monday 1 February 2016

The Astral Plane - (747)


This article is an attempt to provide the reader with information that hopefully will be enough to form a clear idea of what the astral plane is.

About the Excerpts

In compiling this article I have borrowed from several sources, which goes against my intention of always trying to use excerpts from Master Samael’s works. However, for just this time and perhaps for a few other times in the future, here are some excerpts that provide an interesting and clear explanation of what the Astral plane is.

Occult Planes Excerpts

“The occult planes of nature can be thought of as occult physics. For the idea of the planes posits that there are whole worlds of energies beyond the ken of our perception, energies of which modern scientists are completely ignorant.

Again, we are flying in the face of common knowledge. Sure, scientists grant that there are x-rays, radioactivity, ultraviolet radiation, and even infinitely minute worlds of subatomic particles and neutrinos. But to say that there are whole worlds, full of life and activity and strange creatures, that exist beyond the ken of our physical senses is a complete absurdity to the modern scientist. However, this is exactly what the planes are. Each plane is a world, a giant world full of all kinds of strange and exotic places and creatures with sights and sounds that dwarf anything we know of here in the physical world.

I should point out too that there are other names you might hear of that refer to the planes. Such terms are: “dimensions”, “aethyrs”, “lokas”, “realms”. Each of these terms essentially means “plane” or “world”.

Now, again, and to keep your interest at this point, let me remind you that once you learn to astral project for yourself, then you can determine whether or not this is all so much fantasy. Keeping this in mind, let's define these planes a little better.

In the most commonly accepted schemes of the planes, it’s taught that there are seven planes and that we humans can access the 4 lowest planes.

The common names of the seven planes are:

1. Physical Plane (which includes the Etheric Plane)
2. Astral Plane
3. Mental Plane
4. Buddhic Plane
5. Atmic Plane
6. Anupadaka Plane
7. Adi Plane

Now, let's define each of these planes.

1. The Physical Plane. This is the world you are sitting in right now. The physical plane is the familiar world of our everyday life. In the occult scheme, there are aspects of the physical world that are invisible to our senses, and these invisible aspects of the physical plane are called the “etheric plane”. Above I mentioned x-rays, radioactivity, ultra-violet radiation and subatomic particles. In the occult world-view, these energies are “etheric” energies, and again, this simply means these are energies of the physical plane that we cannot perceive with the senses of our physical body. As we will discuss below, and is actually quite important to the endeavour of astral projecting, occultists claim we have a body made of etheric energies and they call this our “etheric body”. It’s very likely that many of you will actually have experiences in your etheric body once you start attempting to project. Again, this will all be explained in due course.

2. The Astral Plane. The astral plane is described of as a world of emotion and desire. On this plane our emotions and desires are actually ‘living creatures’. Also, according to occultists, the astral plane is where people go immediately after they die. “Dead people” (actually, “discarnate” people) do not stay forever on the astral plane, it’s only a temporary stop after death. In this regard, the idea of “purgatory” is related to the idea of the astral plane.

Also on the astral plane are a whole host of creatures and inhabitants that are native to that plane, such as fairies, devas, and other such things.”

Excerpt from: “What is Astral Projection”, by Donald Degracia

About the Dimensions or Planes of Nature

There are a few different versions regarding the planes of nature. They all however, coincide in there being seven dimensions. They only differ in the names and qualities given to each dimension or plane. The above excerpt has given one version and I believe that this is the Theosophical version, or at least very close to it.

The Gnostic version of the dimensions or planes of nature agrees with the Theosophical version, however it is presented a little differently. The Gnostic version makes use of the Kabbalistic tree of life and the seven bodies of the human being.

More reference will be made to this in the next article which is concerned with the astral body.

Excerpts – Astral Plane the Fifth Dimension

“The astral is one of two planes of the fifth dimension; it is the place where dreams occur, where mystical teachings are given and where the deceased go. It is more than that though because it is a complete dimension of life, waiting to be explored.

Excerpt from: “A Course in Astral Travel”, by Mark Pritchard

“The Astral is the first of two planes of the fifth dimension. There are seven dimensions in total, most people know what the first three dimensions are and the fourth is known to science, which is time. Science in quantum physics postulates the likelihood of parallel universes existing and includes the fifth dimension in this, due to the discovery that minute particles behave unpredictably according to laws different to ours. They are correct in this since the laws of the fifth dimension are different and it is at this molecular level that the physical and fifth dimensions meet.”

Excerpt from: “A Course in Astral Travel”, by Mark Pritchard


The Astral plane is a dimension of nature that is a material dimension just as this physical one is, only that the material of the astral plane, that is astral matter, is a lot lighter in density than physical matter is. There are though dimensions that are above it and are even less dense then it is. Of course the general rule applies, the higher the dimension the more spiritual it is.

The astral has been described as the middle dimension, that is the dimension which meditates between the higher more spiritual dimensions and the lower denser dimensions such as the physical dimension. It has been called the dimension of desire because it corresponds to the world of emotions of nature. Within the astral plane we may find the expression of our own emotions and the emotions of others. The positive and negative emotions, also within the astral plane there are doorways into the very lower infra-dimensions of nature which are a whole different topic.

It is a whole complete realm or dimension of life, that is, it has life just like the physical dimension does, it contains life, astral life made of astral matter and it is possible for the human being to visit using the astral body if a person has one or using one’s consciousness. The next article addresses the topic of the astral body.

End (747).

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