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Monday 8 February 2016

What do Mantras Do? Post 3 - (766)


Mantras essentially work by creating a vibration in the mind. As we mentioned in the previous post mantras are tools for the mind, and it is from there that they work.

Mantras essentially create waves of vibration within the fabric or substance of the mind, and because everything is mind these waves begin to influence the body and the subtle bodies or any part of ourselves for that matter that the mind has access to influence.

Mantras Create Vibrations

Mantras are sounds and sound is vibration so mantras create vibration that permeates the body and the cells, and with our absence of thought and the presence of focus these vibrations move through the mind and create one great wave or vibration in the mind that unifies the mind and then as the mind is unified all the vibrations of our system follow suit and become unified.

The Effects of Mantra

Mantras create a very particular physical and subtle body type of vibration, which produces effects in our bodies. These effects can be understood as the meaning or function of the mantra.

Activate and Increases Prana

Chanting a mantra activates one’s prana and actually energizes one’s level of prana. Sound is the agent of creation and everything in creation or in life is in movement and is therefore making one or another sort of sound. Therefore making ourselves to vibrate in unison with one particular sound can only increase our energy, just as exercise or psychological and esoteric practice increases our energy.

Energetic Progress Towards the Spiritual

Chanting spiritually beneficial mantras initiates an energetic process within one’s psychological and esoteric structure, whereby if one works psychologically one can make an energetic progress towards the good or towards the spiritual.

Quieten the Mind

Mantras can help us to achieve a state of concentration. Our minds are not one pointed, though with the help of a mantra and our focus the waves of the mantra in our mind can become so powerful that they make our mind to vibrate in unison with, thus achieving a one pointedness or stillness.
Mantras even have the power to make our subconscious quiet.

There are even particular mantras to quieten the mind. Such a mantra is WU.

Effects Increase with Intention

The effects of a mantra increase very logically with our mental intention. When we focus our attention and intention onto the chanting of a mantra the effect is heightened, and it is this way that we can bring about the effect of the mantra.

They Work no Matter What

Sanskrit mantra is about real spiritual energies and forces, mantras are a science and they are not about religion, dogma, beliefs and things like that.

Mantras work with or without our belief in them. This is because they or activate invoke real spiritual forces. They only downfall is that we do not perceive their effects, and this is why we say that they don’t work.

Furthermore the effects of the mantras are all the same.

Like Fire

Mantras are like fire in a way. They in their purest form invoke powerful energies that if we are not in the correct state to receive them we can do ourselves some harm, in the sense that a clash is produced within us.

Not Affirmations

Mantras are not affirmations as we know them in the west. Affirmations are statements that are designed to program or train the subconscious mind, so to help the subconscious believe or think or process impressions in positive and more convenient manner, for example to take things without fear or to put into the subconscious the belief that one can handle oneself in the difficult situation and times rather than resorting to fear.

Mantras rather activate and or invoke spiritual faculties, abilities and forces that are independent of our subconscious.

Final Note

Because mantras work with energy they can dislodge or unblock things in our bodies and they can move energies throughout the body activating certain faculties and centres of energy and function.

End (766).

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