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Tuesday 16 February 2016

When People Lack Trust or Faith they Become Cynical or Negative - (784)


When within us there is a lack trust in ourselves or we happen to distrust others we become quite cynical.

Lack of Faith

This means that a lack of faith makes us to see ourselves in a negative light, and when we see ourselves in a negative light we think that we will fail, that we will not succeed or not make it or that things will not turn out well and we quite easily express our cynicism, saying things like "I'm stupid'' "things always turn out bad", “yeah, yeah again, that always happens” etc.

Just going off on a little bit of a tangent here, when we are under a karma our faith and trust is also taken away from us. When the karmic debt finishes our faith and trust returns and we see life and our future in a totally different way.

Distrusting Others

The worst situation I feel is when we distrust others. Here are some of the typical things that we feel and think when we distrust others: we feel that they don't love us, that they are using us, that they only partly trust or like us or they are just leading us on. We feel that they are doing things behind our back, that they are talking about us behind our back and that they want things to go bad for us!


When we are lacking in trust cynicism flows out of us very easily. This is something that is very easy to observe and when we observe it, we can turn our attention towards trust to counteract it.

End (784).

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