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Wednesday 24 February 2016

Where does Hatred Come From? - (802)


Hatred as far as I know is not an instant thing. It develops inside one, and it does not appear without reason. A cause for hatred can always be found, it never just appears without a reason.

This is what this post is about, explaining a little about how hatred in human beings comes to be.

A Process – Good News!

Very briefly, hatred develops inside of us according to a process. That is, it has a beginning, and in the beginning it is not hatred but something much less intense, furthermore it may not even seem like hatred in the beginning, it may feel like pain. Left unchecked this beginning develops into something else and with our wrong intervention or lack of intervention it develops and continues to develop transforming from one thing to another until the feelings of hatred are felt in the person.

This is very good news, because it means that we can catch the beginning of it before it becomes hatred, and if we didn’t happen to catch it we can reverse the process and dissolve it.

The Process

Hurt pride or hurt self-love ð We don’t do anything ð Resentment ð Mind organises resentment ð Hatred.
The origin of hatred is a hurt or injured pride or a hurt self-love. When we are hurt in our pride or self-love the result is that in us we want a sort of compensation for having suffered for having been treated harshly or having been humiliated. We want the psychological feeling that we didn’t get or expected to get to return to us or be returned to us by the offender. If we don’t get that compensation a debt forms in us or an unbalance forms in us where we need to fill the debt or set the scales to be equal again, so we look to make the offender pay for it if they won’t compensate us, and we hope that in making them pay they will feel sorry and they will learn a lesson and they will compensate us after feeling the pain that they made us go through.

So with resentment there is a feeling or intention of revenge. When we begin to compile with the mind all of the resentments we begin to create hatred. Read on to understand more about this.

Hatred – Organised Resentment

A very good friend of mine had a very interesting dream where he learnt that hatred is organised resentment. Meaning that when we put together all of our resentment for a person for example, and we mentally go over it and build up a big case against the person in our mind and emotion we have developed hatred.

This very interesting and helpful experience tells us that hatred is something of the mind and also something of the will, that it is something voluntary and it is something that is sort of conscious or deliberate. But it is not of the consciousness.

This is also good news, meaning that if we don’t want to create hatred we should not allow our mind to organise our resentments, and this information gives us the key to dissolve hatred. If we one by one eliminate our resentments the possibility of creating hatred disappears. 


These teachings about hatred are so very valuable, mind you they did not come from me, one came from a very good friend and one from my marvellous missionary, because they give us the key to prevent hatred developing inside of us and if we have hatred inside, great or small, we can reverse the process and dissolve it. Meanwhile we have pride within the potential to create hatred exists, and what’s worse if we have resentment inside we can also create hatred a lot quicker and easier.

Hatred is probably one of the worst things to have inside because from it terrible things can only come. It is also very anti-Christic.

End (802).

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