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Sunday 21 February 2016

Why Should I Try? - (795)


In short, most certainly you should try it. No harm will come to you. You may feel fear first and as soon as you see that it is something natural and the feeling of magic and wonder will awaken in you, and you will look forward to the times with great excitement where you may be able to astral travel.

The following excerpt from Master Samael explains that there is nothing to fear when it comes to astral projection. We certainly can not lose contact with our physical body by astral travelling. This is because our astral body or consciousness is connected to our physical body by the silver chord and the silver chord can not be easily cut.

It is only the angels of death in accordance with Divine Law and the Cosmic Mother that can sever the silver chord or antahkarana (Sanskrit name of the silver chord). This is done, at the moment that has been destined or determined by the Great Law. So in short astral travel won’t make our time come any sooner, it has already been set, and when it is our time it is our time because the Great Law has determined it and it won’t be due to astral projection.

Excerpt – Fear Mongers

“There are many pseudo-occultists and pseudo-esotericists who spread fear-mongering rumours against voluntary projection of the astral body. It is false and harmful to the Great Work of the Father to make people fearful of projecting the astral body. In fact, projecting the astral body is not dangerous because every human being projects the astral body during the hours of normal sleep. Unfortunately, people walk in their astral body with the consciousness asleep. People do not know how to project at will their astral bodies. There is no danger whatsoever in becoming conscious of one’s own natural functions, which are eating, drinking, marrying and projecting the astral body. These functions are completely natural. If travelling in the astral body were dangerous as the fear mongers state, by now there would be no one living on the Earth because everybody projects the astral body, and still worse, they do so with the consciousness asleep. Nevertheless nothing happens. And so...?”

Excerpt from the book: “The Perfect Matrimony”, by Samael Aun Weor.


So there you have it, there is certainly no danger and harm involved in astral travel and on the contrary there are great benefits in terms of self-knowledge and consciousness that we can arrive at.

End (795).

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