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Tuesday 22 March 2016

About a Guru - (833)


Etymology of the word guru: he who dissolves darkness.

Text from GURU-DEVA:

Here below is a translation of a section of text taken from the Guru-Deva.

“Meditate on the form of the guru
Venerate the feet of the guru
His words are taken like sacred mantras
His grace ensures the final liberation”

From Buddha

“Of all the masters of the past that achieved illumination, none got it without the help of a Guru.”

“Of all the masters of the future that will achieve illumination, none will get it without the help of a Guru.”


Do you have a guru?

Maybe yes, maybe I don’t know you may answer? By default all the Gnostic students have Master Samael as their guru.

As the Buddha and the Guru-Deva have said we need our guru for our advancement. Are we working with our guru? Maybe we are, though is it enough?

Our guru is the one that gives us light in the times when we are in our deepest darkness.

It is in such times when we need light more than anything to dispel the darkness so that we can survive on the path, we have to call out to our guru for help.

End (833).

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