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Monday 21 March 2016

Dikr Allah – Mystical Self-Remembering of the Sufi’s - (831)


The following text comes from a documentary made by a Gnostic institution that provides a really moving description of how self-remembering is done amongst the members of a Sufi Brotherhood in central Asia. IT is very correct, accurate and mystical way of remembering one’s Being.

Dikr Allah or Sufi Self-Remembering

“The teachings about self-remembering were found by Gurdjeff in certain Sufi Brotherhoods that exist in remote areas of Central Asia.

Thirsty for knowledge, Gurdjeff reached these brotherhoods and there learnt the techniques of self-remembrance. He also learnt breathing techniques, that combined with certain repetitive formulae or prayers, awaken the consciousness and develop emotional mysticism, which takes us close to the inner master.

One of these secret schools that he contacted has its external representation in one of the chain Nasvaldi. The main practice of this order is the remembering of the Being – Dhikr Allah. Its practice combine breathing and the pronunciation of Allah – God's name. This is the way they use to reach the divine presence.

Next, we mention some rules of this order concerning the practice of self-remembering.

1. Be conscious at every moment.
2. Do not allow anything to distract you, not even for a moment.
3. Be always present in every situation, regardless of how difficult it is.
4. Keep your attention ahead of you at every step you take.
5. You should long for freedom and never forget it.
6. Resist strange thoughts.
7. Keep your attention only on what you are doing, be it an internal or external activity.
8. Solitude among multitude, silence in rowdiness.
9. Keep your inner freedom, be detached from every external activity.
10. Learn how not to identify with anything else.
11. Travel home: remember that you are travelling from the world of forms, dream, towards the world of reality, the awakening.
12. Remember your friend, God. May the words of your mouth be the words of your heart. Be always conscious of the divine presence within you. Become used to feel the presence of your inner god in your heart.”


There is very little that I can add to such a accurate and complete description, but only to say let’s practice self-remembering or rather the remembering of our Being incorporating some of these rules and indicators if you can or if you find that they are helpful.

End (831).

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