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Tuesday 15 March 2016

Master Samael’s Spoken Cure for Depression - (824)


Master Samael in one of his talks that was recorded mentioned a remedy to depression.

Perhaps he had passed through some kind of depression or knew someone that had or was passing through it at that time. We don’t really know, never mind the remedy he gave is what is important for now.

His Remedy

He said that if one enters into mediation and goes into profound remembering of the Being one can come out of the depression that one feels oneself to be in.

How to Start to Apply the Remedy

If we though start by practicing mental silence, that is take 15 to 20 minutes to sit down and focus on not thinking at all. This practice though so simple has some really profound effects.

It has some profound effects because it activates the conscious which displaces the fear that is causing the depression. Also with depression there is a kind of vacuum or emptiness and that needs to be filled. When we activate the consciousness the consciousness itself begins to fill that void. The consciousness fills that void with the possibility of many things, among them is a purpose in the Being. This experience or a purpose in the Being alters the depressed state dramatically.

The Practice

Any way give it a try. Sit down, relax, be still, focus your attention on the mind and do your best to observe all the thoughts and let each one go. Keep your focus on the alertness required to see the thoughts. Then after some time go to you r heart and just listen in stillness and silence. Make an effort to open the heart to receive and perceive, and just concentrate your focus there. Perceiving and very quietly and deeply sending waves of opening and embracing to the Real Living Being that you carry inside of you and that is you in the higher depths.

A Recommendation (Maybe Good Maye Not)

I say opening and embracing because yearning and searching makes it worse because it introduces into our background a sadness a loneliness that we are far from the Being and that he won’t come to us and consequently we don’t feel anything, we end up disappointed with the practice and worse off than we were before the practice.

End (824).

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