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Thursday 10 March 2016

One Thing at a Time Experiment - (819)


The temptation these days is to be doing two things or more at once. For example driving and then checking our phone or driving and talking on our phone or walking and checking our phone etc. etc.

Actually the smart phone has helped in some way to making doing two things at once more of a habit. Plus this is very dangerous especially if driving.

If We Observe

If we observe people doing this, we can see that they are like semi asleep. They are not really doing either one. They are only slightly aware of their physical environment and at the same a little while they look at their phone they are a little nervous in the background, because they know that it is really the right moment. When they look up from their phone they have like a semi absorbed and blank type of look, showing us that their consciousness has been fascinated.

If we Choose One Thing

When we chose to just do one thing we give ourselves the chance to focus and then with focus we give our consciousness the chance to activate and to explore what we are focussing on and then therefore help us. This help could be to see deeper into the subject, to reveal a new solution to perceive something new about the subject etc. etc.

When we Focus on Two

When we try to focus on two things at once we disrupt our concentration and we have a very weak attention on both things and because of that weak attention we don’t really have enough attention to activate our consciousness and so we get the job done but without much awareness or consciousness of what we have just done.

One Versus Two or More

That is the trade we can get two or more things done at once but with little consciousness of how we have spent our time. At the end of a day working like this we get the feeling of “what have I done all day”, it is like we have lost our day and have not been aware, it is like we have been vacant or have left our own house vacant and neglected.

Whereas if we concentrate on one thing we have awareness, we have ourselves so to speak. We can observe ourselves while we are doing this one thing and therefore we can acquire some understanding of ourselves through observation which can help us to know and transform our psychology. Doing two things at once never allows us to observe ourselves! Never!

I am more convinced now that one thing at a time is better. But, but I know there are special times in life where we just have to do two or more things at once. Well, leave those times for when they come, but don’t create them when they are not present.

Conclusion – Do One Thing at a Time to Help in Awakening or Activating the Consciousness

I am trying to do this now, just do one thing at a time. Start one thing and finish it and then move onto the next task. When you have many things to do it is very tempting to go into two or three things at once mode, but the price of that is no awareness. I think awareness or consciousness is more valuable and precious then getting it all done.

End (819).

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