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Tuesday 22 March 2016

Sivananda About Atman or the Intimate - (835)


The following text comes from a documentary made by a Gnostic institution that provides a really very interesting description of Sivananda’s teachings on Atman and how Master Samael found his own Intimate using the method taught by Sivananda.

About Atman and Bragma Murtha

“Sivananda used to see the interior life development of a man as a construction of a house. He said that the thoughts were the plans of the architect. But who is the architect? The architect is the conscious will at the service of the Intimate Master.

In the Intimate, in Atman, Sivananda saw the key to the path. In order to walk the path to self-realization correctly, we have to seek the Intimate in ourselves. Sivananda said that the right time to seek for the Interior Master is precisely HIS time, which he used to call 'Bragma Murtha', meaning the time of Bragma. It starts exactly 2 hours before dawn and lasts until the Sun comes out completely.

Sivananda said that we had to start our daily journey practising esoteric exercises, saluting the Creator, as Master Samael advised a gnostic student once: “Every gnostic should awaken early to do their esoteric practices”. After the Salute and prayer to the creator, Sivananda advised to sit and practice pranayama, to transmute the Christic energies, the prana of life in us. These should be followed a deep meditation on Atman, the intimate master.”

Netty Netty – Practice to Find Atman

“The discipline of Gnana Yoga is the best way to get it. This method comprises of self questioning: 'Who am I?' that is to say, what is my true identity. Once awaken the inquietude of knowing who I am, we need to practice what Sivananda used to call 'the doctrine of Netty Netty': This is not, this is not, this is not. Doctrine that should be applied to each one of the existential bodies of the Being. “I am not the physical body, I am not the astral body, I am not the mental body, I am not the body of will, I am not the consciousness, the Buddhic body . This is not, this is not, this is not. And once rid of the existential bodies of manifestation, we can answer the enigma, who am I? with the supreme affirmation: “ SO-Ham”. I am HIM, I am HIM, I am HIM.”

Master Samael and the Netty Netty Practice

“The young Samael used to practice in this way, as he said to us that by following the strict rules of Gnana Yoga, he reached the union with the Intimate. In his advanced practice, Master Samael also got to experience the illuminating void, the experience of the great reality, at a young age for 3 consecutive times.

These experiences allowed him to directly experience the psychological reality of the ‘I’. He comprehended that the ‘I’ is the obstacle that takes us far from the reality. Since then he'd become the enemy of himself. He declared the interior war on the ‘I’. Since then he fought restlessly to eradicate the ‘I’ from his interior nature.”

End (835).

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