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Monday 28 March 2016

The Masters Don’t Pamper the Personality - (838)


The above statement is awful for us, especially for the personality but it makes sense and it has to be true. 

How can they Pamper the Personality?

If what really counts is the essence and the Monad why would the masters put so much attention to our personality, especially in keeping it so strong and active that it overcomes the essence all of the time? Why would they pamper our personality and leave our essence without the chance to grow and develop?

Pampering the personality usually occurs at the expense of the growth of the essence. The Masters don’t pamper the essence either, because pampering is the excess, it is the breaking of balance. But the Masters help the essence which is different by giving it what it needs to develop itself.

Why Does Pampering Exist then?

It exists because of the good egos of people, and furthermore the personality of people is setup that way to pamper others, and or because in general people are quite weak and pampering is a way to keep our weaknesses going. Because we are weak we find not pampering oh so terribly cruel.

Also it may be because of the law of cause and effect, if one has pampered others then one earns to be pampered. Or one may actually deserve to be pampered after having previously worked hard.

We are going bad if we are attached to being pampered. That is something that my goodness makes one weak and is the cause of much suffering.


I think that it is good to remember this that the masters do not pamper the personality. Especially, the masters of the Law. Those masters want the awakening of one’s consciousness and the payment of one’s karma and none of these two things are achieved by pampering the personality. Are they?

Well being realistic sometimes we have to pamper people, because they can not make it without it, but when it comes to ourselves it is a different story. We can be tough with ourselves so to give our essence the best chance to come to the fore and answer the difficulty.

End (838).

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