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Thursday 31 March 2016

The Three Charges of a Fallen Boddhisattva - (850)

The Three Charges

The three charges of a fallen bodhisattva are for:

1.) Having assassinated the interior Buddha (Atman).
2.) Having betrayed the white lodge.
3.) Having committed minor crimes.

When the bodhisattva falls, the fallen bodhisattva is charged with these three crimes by the Divine Law.

Three Distinct Karmas

They can also be considered as three distinct karmas.

First Two Karmas/Charges

The first two charges and karmas are paid for basically when one incarnates the human soul and finishes the fifth major initiation. At this point one becomes accepted once again by the white lodge so the second charge or karma can be considered paid or cancelled and so can the first one. This is because a part of Atman has been incarnated and this is a great show of trust from Atman in the person. The person then does the will of Atman. The person then with the human soul is going to work for Atman and revive Atman and later incarnate Atman in the second mountain.

Minor Crimes

The minor crimes are those that do not stop one on the path and they are those that are paid for later on in the path. In fact many of these minor crimes are pardoned as the master at this stage has eliminated many egos and has gone beyond the possibility of sinning, and as the master has worked much for humanity, and upon him or herself, the pardoning of these minor crimes is warranted by the Divine Law.


It must be this way that the first two heavier charges are paid for earlier in the path. Because otherwise the Being would not be free enough later on to finish the Great Work and these charges would be large obstacles for the human soul to incarnate. So these charges must be paid for before the human soul incarnates. That is why the beginning of the path is difficult and takes longer to complete and is fraught with a lot of suffering.

We pay for katancia or katancy a tiny bit at the beginning and in full at the end of the Great Work.

End (850).

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