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Thursday 31 March 2016

What are the Sacrifices of a Missionary? - (847)

Opening the Heart

The real sacrifice of a missionary besides giving up some of his or her time, energy, space and effort, it is that the missionary opens up his/her mind and heart to include the students in his or her life so to help them.

A Friend

The student becomes a friend and then the missionary suffers when the student suffers. The missionary takes great risks to trust and open him or herself up to include the students in his or her psychological space.

Serves the Monad of the Student

The missionary works and serves the Being of the students, so the missionary goes beyond the personality and the egos of the student and even beyond his/her own egos as well.

Works to Receive Light to Give to Others

Also the missionary works on his/her psychology to get the light so to give it to others. That light is only gained with outer and inner sacrifices.

End (847).

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