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Thursday 10 March 2016

What are the Waters (Basic)? - (821)

Water in Alchemical Texts

In the study of Alchemy one can come across various symbols, with one of them being the waters, for example: “mercurial waters”, “sweet water”, “pontic water”, “water of the wise”, “black water” and “white water”.

The waters in Alchemy refer to the waters of life or to the mercury, as we can see in the term “mercurial water”. We know from the study of Gnosis that the waters are the waters of life which are the sexual waters, as all life comes from sex.

We know also that the mercury is sexual energy and furthermore the mercury has three classifications, starting with the raw mercury which is the raw sexual energy or the seminal entity in men or the sexual secretions in women.

To Summarise

So then, we can summarise saying that the waters are the sexual energy.

The Waters are More than that Though

But that is not all there is more to it than that. When the these waters are seen in the individual the term “waters” takes on another dimension, and the addition of this dimension changes its meaning somewhat. The next post describes this added dimension and therefore what the “waters” really mean to us.

End (821).

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