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Thursday 17 March 2016

What is Sexuality? - (826)


If the waters are something more than the physical aspect of the sexual energy the waters must then have a lot to do with sexuality. The question I think that is pertinent to ask then, is what really is sexuality. We all have some sort of an idea about what it is, however it is good at times to review our concepts and ideas about it, so to come to a clearer and more concise view. 

When people think about what sexuality, many things can come to mind, such as it being the way a person participates in the sexual act or how one approaches the sexual act, our attitude towards sex, our sexual preference, whether we are refined or unrefined etc. etc. However, there is really more to it than that. There is the psychological and esoteric layers that are far more important.

More of a Way of Relating to Sex and Sexual Energy

Sexuality is more of a psychological thing, it is about one’s understanding of sex, it is how one relates to one’s sexual function, it is one’s perspective and vision of sex in life and in the spiritual and the cosmos.

It is essentially how we relate to our sexual energy, and it is this quality of relation that actually affects the state of our sexual waters.

Does Everyone Have a Sexuality?

Everyone has a sexuality, even a single person. It has to be this way. Even if you are a puritan, you have a sexuality, an old grandma has a sexuality, an animal has a sexuality and even a castrated person has a sexuality. This is because sexuality is very much psychological.

However, sexuality as a value is complete when we have sexual energy.

What Sexuality Determines

Our sexuality determines the state or quality or colours of our waters in Alchemy. So then what does it mean to have our waters black or white, yellow or red? The next post will answer this question.

The state of the relationship we have with sex and sexual energy, whether it be ignorant and based in senses and sensation or whether it be more philosophical or spiritual etc. determines directly our actions towards sex and sexual energy. The relationship with sex and sexual energy has much to do with perspective or the way we see sex and sexual energy. Just as any relationship depends on perception, our sexuality depends on the way we perceive sex and sexual energy.

We do with our sexual centre and sexual energy what our concepts about sex and sexual energy dictate. If we want to change our sexuality we must first of all investigate our concepts, change the way we relate to sex and sexual energy and then we will change our sexuality and the way we are with regards to sex and sexual energy. This helps enormously in the work of dissolving the egos of lust.


How we Relate to Sex and Sexual Energy is Sexuality

How one relates to their own sexual energy, that is sexuality. That is the value of sexuality. How one relates to it and how one uses it, that is what sexuality essentially is.

Sexuality is the Fruiting of Sexual Energy

Sexuality is the fruiting of our sexual energy. As we relate to our sexual energy we create sexuality. So our relationship and use produces or gives rise to or sprouts or fruits our sexuality.

Transmutation and Sexuality

As we transmute we change our relationship with our sexual energy for the better of course, because we become more conscious of it and we integrate more with it. Transmuting is a marvellous way of relating well with our sexual energy and this produces a beautiful, conscious and rich value of sexuality, and all of us have this value of sexuality and it is there always waiting for us to do something with it. Do what you may ask? Well, it is our choice, though using it for the spirit is where sexuality reaches its full potential, that is its fullest unfolding!

End (826).


  1. Sometimes the sexual energy disappears for months at a time, and with it the opportunity to work and move closer to the being. Is this due to debts against the Holy Spirit?

    1. I can't say anything for certain here, in my opinion I would say yes that it is due to debts against the Holy Spirit. To know what the cause of it is, is a really big help because then you can go about fixing it. It may be something psychological in the way that during the times when that energy disappears you are expending a lot of mental and emotional energy, or it could be something physiological.

      So I would say that the first thing to do would be to have a look into the past to see if some actions or a series of action were the type to create a definite debt against that energy. The second thing to do would be to observe how your energy is being used before those periods appear and during them.

      If for example during the periods where the energy disappears we are going through a stressful period psychologically with much worry, anxiety etc. We need to do our best to not think, not worry, not fret and look at ways to save energy.

      If you do find out that it is a debt against the Holy Spirit then a really good thing to do is to wait patiently, knowing that what has a beginning has an end and that once that payment period is over the sexual energy will appear again.

      Such periods where the sexual energy disappears is a time for us to reflect and understand that the sexual energy belongs to our Being, and it is a gift to us and that we need to really look after it. We come to understand that the sexual energy is governed by higher powers within us, and that it is not really ours to do with as we please. We can do with it what we wish, as we may have in the past, but that has its price, its own consequences, which we experience in such periods where it disappears.
