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Monday 18 April 2016

Personality sees what is Spiritual according to its Patterns? - (870)

Meaning Exactly?

Meaning that what we see as spiritual or what we consider to be spiritual or belonging to spirituality, we think that it should come in line with the nature, patterns, ways, words etc. of our own personality.
This is something so natural that we don’t even see or suspect that we are actually doing it. However, it becomes very obvious to us that something is wrong when we come into contact with a spiritual school, organisation, association etc. or a spiritual person.

What inevitably happens is that the way that the spiritual school or person operates or organises things or speaks or lays things down etc. doesn’t agree with something in us and we think to ourselves: “this is tough or cruel, how can this be spiritual?”. Sometimes we may be right but most of the time sometimes we are wrong all because we see the event through the eyes of personality.

How Does that Work?

What happens is that in our personality we have certain ideas of what is good and kind and considerate and friendly etc. and we think that those good things are spiritual things but they may not be at all. They may actually be something that does not help improve our spirituality.

For Example

To greet people is good for the personality and we think that spiritual people should do the same. For the personality a good person does not point things out that are wrong and we think that spiritual people should do the same. For the personality people who don’t ask questions and don’t apply pressure are good and respectful people and so spiritual people that do that are bad and ugly etc. it goes on that way.

Here below is an image unrelated really to the post but it is an interesting read.


With this post all I wanted to basically do was to point to the source of where some of our disagreements come from when we interact with a spiritual school or people who run or teach at a spiritual school such as a Gnostic centre.

We normally think that it is the ego but it can be the personality that has problems, remembering that the ingredients of the personality are really the egos we are half right if we think that it is the ego causing problems. The personality has thought and ways of thinking so if we can capture the thinking behind its disagreements we can modify it and solve our disagreements.

End (870).

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