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Monday 11 April 2016

Wanting Attention - (863)

We Have All Wanted it at Some Point

I think that we have all at some point wanted attention or suffered from the lack of it. Some people may really suffer from the lack of it making it really worth while having a deeper look into it.

Why do we Want Attention?

Why do we want attention? Why do we feel at times that we need attention? What does it give us? Why does it mean so much to us?

A very obvious answer to these three questions is that attention means something very important to us! The key resides in us finding out what in particular it means to us in our psychology. This is what everyone has to find out.

What it can Mean?

Receiving attention can mean consideration, love, care, good will etc. Then obviously the lack of these things by the way our mind thinks, will mean the opposite of love, care, good will etc. The lack of attention to our mind can even mean cruelty, indifference, disdain, arrogance and hatred or ill-will.

Obviously interpreting the lack of attention as any of the above things really bothers us, it has to because those interpretations are very intense aren’t they? No wonder they make us upset and nervous and anxious etc. etc.

Question the Interpretations

When we interpret the lack of attention in the above mentioned way a reaction against the lack of attention arises in us. It can be anger or it can be worry and anxiety. Anger makes sense as it is to defend against ill-will and cruelty etc. But we get it wrong when we act angrily, because it is never that bad.

The question or point is to question those interpretations, and take the sting out of them. It is never as bad as we make it out to be. When we don’t give someone attention do we hate them? We may have some ill-will towards them but when we see that the person needs help we will drop the ill-will quickly and go and help. It is a relative ill-will that I guess we just have to accept for the moment or a short while. But we can take consolation that it is in the other person and not in us. Ill-will feels awful and poor person who feels ill-will inside. It is much more comfortable to feel good-will!


If we can find our particular beliefs or interpretations about the lack of attention and then go deep into our questioning about them we can certainly make a change in us or a shift in relation to those very tumultuous feelings that arise when we are not given attention.

End (863).

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