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Tuesday 10 May 2016

Culture, Karma and Psychology - (897)


We all have our particular culture. We have the culture from the country in which we live, the culture from the country in which grew up in and the culture from our family. Our cultural background can be quite simple that is just one cultural background or a mixture.

Karmic Aspect

The culture that we have, has a definite karmic aspect to it. Not karma in the bad sense though, but karma because the Divine Law has placed us in the setting or environment that we are in due to our history and our particular learning that we need in life.

There is also some genetic programming going on esoterically speaking as to why we are in a particular country. Furthermore, esoterically speaking genetics is connected to psychology.

Another Side to it

Culture is a kind of conditioning, no doubt about it. The egos that we actually have are based in certain cultural aspects.


Culture is a strong influence upon our psychology and it is worth one day in our psychological work looking into it and doing certain practices of self-discovery and self-exploration to find out how our own culture has influenced and affects our own psychology.

End (897).

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