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Friday 27 May 2016

Personality – Long List of Points - (927)


This post is a collection of notes on the personality that I jotted down while listening to a class on the Personality given by my marvellous missionary.


Personality in us is a psychological and energetic structure that is used by people to relate to the environment in which they are in. Personality is not used by people to relate to themselves but to the environment.

Personality is not us, it belongs to us and yet it doesn't because it is not really us.

Personality is developed through family, education and environment. The personality is like a sponge, that absorbs impressions and ultimately values from these three mentioned sources and stores them and then begins to express these values and the particular way of expressing these values is personality.

Personality is about expressing these vanes but not about being developing those inner values. The values of the personality are really external values.

Personality is what has been given to us. Our name, background, nationality, image, religion, culture is given to us. Personality is also developed within conditions and not according to an infinite totally unconditioned way. Personality develops within the conditions or limits of time, space, relativity and duality.


The personality has two foundations which are physical and psychological. Physical foundations are many, so are the psychological.

What are the foundations of our life? It is basically our way of thinking, our self-concept and our self-image.

Self-concept is essentially a belief. Which means it is partly true and partly false.

Self-concept is what we project onto ourselves. It is a concept about ourselves. It is the result of mind, ego and personality taking the events of life and adding to the self-concept.

Self-image is divided into two parts one which is internal and the other which is external.

The self-image and self-concept that we have actually hinder our development.

Personality has a foundation: ingredients and characteristics. The foundations of the personality are false and subjective because they depend on what others think about us or rather more exactly what we think others are thinking about each us.

There are tangible and intangible foundations. Personality is intangible, something we can't hold in our hands but it has tangible manifestations. His like software, we can't hold, bend, bite, taste or touch it but its functions produce tangible real effects.

It is easier to respond to something physical that we lose, than something psychological.

The main foundation of our personality is our way thinking, specifically the way or what we think about ourselves.

Sometimes some values are so important that we can't live without it.


The characteristics of the personality are of the five centres which are: intellectual, emotional, motor, instinctive and sexual characteristics.

There are seven types of people, the three inferior, one in the middle and then three superior. The three superior are the spiritual type. The middle man is what we have to aim for, which is the person who has balanced all the three brains into one and does not have contradictions, and such a person has a high degree of responsibility in the maintenance of our psychological house.

Personality and Concepts

What we have of other people is a mental photo or representation of their personality. We develop concepts about people and because those concepts about their personality we rarely know people. We only relate to people through concepts.

Even concepts that we have of people are not really the real person.


Personality is formed in the first seven years of life and it develops through various experiences in life.

Personality is basically developed via imitation.

Personality can be modified though and indeed through the course of our life does change.

Furthermore personality does have many facets. One person can have a facet per environment, that is one facet at home and another with in-laws and another at work.

Belongs to Time and Space

Personality is temporal and belongs to time and space and is really the characteristics and qualities developed in time and space.

Personality of a Different Nature than the Work

We can't take the personality as a reference point for the work. This is because the personality is of a different nature than that of the work, the consciousness, the Being and the path.

Titles, social status etc. don't apply in esoteric schools became a premise of the mystery schools is that each member is regarded as an equal and the personality and its difference are not part of this, that is why when we enter the internal temples we do so without our personality and we enter as essences.

End (927).

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