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Tuesday 10 May 2016

Sacred Individuality - (894)


There is something that master Samael calls sacred individuality. This is really achieved when a person incarnates the human soul. Sacred individuality can be partly achieved before the incarnation of the human soul, all depending on one’s degree of consciousness.


For example when we are treated badly with the word, and we feel humiliated and we react just as terribly as we were treated we are not an individual because the person does not have a centre of gravity in his or her consciousness.

When one has a permanent centre of gravity in the consciousness and sacred individuality with the human soul incarnated, then one can exercise his or her will.

When we go outside of our temple with reactions to chase others we are not an individual.

Being independent, leaving home is not sacred individuality, but it is commonly understood as Individuality.

Individuality in Couples

When both members of a couple have a permanent centre of gravity then they can rise above relativity and duality and be individuals.

A couple has three areas, one is the area of the man, another is the area of the woman and the last one is the area of the man and the woman.

The point of reference for a Gnostic couple is the work which is beyond both of them. When we change our point of reference we do or effect a transmutation of the psychological type.

End (894).

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