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Tuesday 31 May 2016

Some Egos Just Don’t Want to See the Reality- (930)


We have to at times show the reality to some egos and show it to them in a very strong and intense way so that they can start to get the message. What they need to see is what the physical facts mean or imply or telling us and everyone else who sees it.


Lust is really bad at times when it comes to not seeing reality. Other egos are quite bad as well. In fact obsessions are egos that just don’t want to see reality. They grow so strong in their fantasy that they can’t be convinced anymore of what reality is telling them.

With Force and Command from the Essence

Anyway with some egos we have to come to accept the reality before they can be even worked on, and for them to see reality we have to address the subconscious part of them with determination, firmness and force – real command from our mind and will.

Repeat it and repeat until it sinks in!

End (930).

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