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Friday 6 May 2016

Which Karma Bares the Most Weight in Our Life? - (890)


The karma that has the most weight in our life is the karma from the past.

The Past Weighs the Most

It is not really the karma from this life that is the most important but the karma from the past.

So the karma that is affecting us now is the karma that was accrued in our last life or the lives before the previous!

That’s Why!

That’s why the study of past lives is so important.

That’s why our karma comes from the subconscious, becasue most of our karma is in our past lives which is in our subconscious.

That’s why we suffer so much because we don’t know why or where our suffering comes from. This is because we can’t remember our past lives or we don't look hard enough into our subconscious to see it there.

End (890).

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