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Monday 23 May 2016

Why do we have so Many Egos? - (919)

An Answer

Once again these words or this explanation comes from my marvellous missionary.

Ocean of Life

We have so many egos because of the shear vastness of the ocean of life or the waters of life that contain so many values. The Being is that vast ocean of life with an infinitude of values and functions.

Then as lust is related to the waters of life, lust has access to the waters of life and then using duality it corrupts the waters and what ends up happening is by the conditioning of duality, a shadow for every value of the Being in the ocean of life is created.


It then comes unto us to contrast both polarisations or sides and then chose. There are those that in the past have made their choice and have defined themselves as demons or angels and then there are those which are the huge majority that have not chosen and move between both unknowingly and in the end are taken and cleaned by nature.

End (919).

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