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Friday 3 June 2016

Be what you want to Receive from Others - (938)

Feel Awful?

We have a lot of expectations and we wish that others fulfil these expectations. When others don’t fulfil them we get usually angry, upset or disappointed.

Why do we have them? Answer: For us to Fulfil them

The real reason why we have expectations is something that people don’t often see and the real reason is for us to live them out.

However we get it wrong and expect that others do them, so then we become very controlling and demanding and unreasonable at times.

It is really our philosophy that is there for us to live out and not to force toehrs to live it. How can we force others, we can’t and if we try we upset others, make their life miserable and make our life miserable at the same time.


Live out your expectations for yourself that you have of others!

Give what you want to receive, including give to yourself!

Be the change that you want others to make!

End (938).

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