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Wednesday 1 June 2016

Discern Right from Wrong - (933)


What is wrong hurts and what is right doesn’t. That simple.

There are times in our psychological work that we seem not to be able to understand or see that something is wrong.

One Way to Know Which is Which

One way to know that something is wrong is to look at its consequences in two fields, what happens inside of us and what happens outside of us. If we hurt as a result as a result of what happens in either of these fields then it is wrong. Consider this example.

An Example

We may not think that to have a beer now and then at 100pm at night is wrong. We say it is not hurting anyone, I am drinking it in my house, no one knows, I feel apparently ok etc.

If one is to look into this deeply one may feel inside of him or herself that one is faltering in their personal will and not doing their best in relation to their work and heir Being and so one deep down feels low or disappointed. See hurt equal wrong.

Consider the Consequences

The other thing is to consider the consequences, say somebody finds out and then their opinion of you will drop and if they are students of yours they may leave your group or get disappointed with Gnosis (which is wrong because Gnosis is not a person it is knowledge) or they may make a scandal or spread rumours. All of which will cause you hurt.


The results should always be considered when discerning if something is wrong or right.

End (933).

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