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Monday 6 June 2016

Don’t Let Thinking Substitute Doing! - (944)

A Buzz

We get a buzz when we fantasise about doing something or being something and that feeling of the buzz or high keeps us dreaming. The emotion that is generated is like a pleasing high but after the fantasy we glimpse reality and come crashing down.

While fantasising we are fine and things seem great but afterwards it is always the same - things crash.

High or Buzz Maintains Fantasy

What keeps us fantasising is that high or buzz that we get in our emotional and intellectual centres, when we dream that we are doing something or being something good.

If we didn’t feel the high or buzz we would stop fantasising! There is a payback for everything even fantasies and thoughts and feelings.

Know Something

Well do you know that if we do, act, carry out, learn, start, live and be we get the same buzz and satisfaction without the crashing down, disillusioned, hopeless feeling that always appears after we fantasizes. This is because it is real and we don’t loose psychic energy which is what happens when we fantasize.

End (944).

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