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Wednesday 8 June 2016

The Way our Brains are Ordered in Supra Sexuality - (948)

With Regards to Infra Sexuality

The way infra sexuality begins is by the sexual centre breaking free from the reigns of the two other centres, namely the intellectual and emotional centres.

This breaking away generates certain circumstances that leave their mark in the intellect and the emotion. “I’s” are then created that are complete in the sense that they use the three brains.

Essentially in infra sexuality the sexual centre leads and using the “I’s” of infra sexuality, the emotional and intellectual centres are put to work in favour of the run away sexual centre.

The sexual centre becomes a run away because of many reasons but some of the main one reasons are that the sexual energy accumulates and the egos of lust as they are centrifugal in nature, propose to solve this problem of the intensification of the sexual energy with the accompanying building impulses, sensations and feelings etc. by sending this energy outside by many means.

Even people may use sex for psychological-emotional reasons, that is as a way to get love, or comfort, protection or to be close to a person or as a way to relieve boredom or as a way to get some sort of excitement or novelty.

With Regards to Supra Sexuality

With supra sexuality the sexual centre is not at all a run away. It works in harmony with the intellectual and emotional centres that function in-line with the resolution and goal of drawing closer to our inner Divinity.

Genuine love in the intellect and emotion command and bring the sexual centre into line in supra sexuality.  

Supra sexuality also is centralised around the artifice of transmutation which is a conscious act using the emotional and intellectual centres consciously to channel the accumulating sexual energy inwards.

In infra sexuality the intellectual and emotional centres are not used consciously, they are managed and driven by the ego from the subconscious. This is very clear because people do silly things, make silly decisions and are driven against their will, against their fears, against their nerves and against their decency sometimes in infra sexuality.


Lust is characterised by this observation that the sexual centre which is a powerful magnet and engine has the lead, and the most marvellous truth is that the intellectual and emotional centres when full of a superior purpose and genuine love for something (our Being, our work, our spouse etc.) can bring the sexual centre into alignment with it and use its powerful energies and forces to make positive things happen and to move forward towards our inner Being by eliminating the egos, awakening the Kundalini, fabricating the bodies or restoring them etc. etc.

When one loses one's grip on one's goal in the intellectual and emotional centres the sexual centre can become rogue or tend to be that way.

End (948).

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