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Wednesday 20 July 2016

A Facet of Pride Related to Love - (980)


We have pride related to many areas such as our body, our physical abilities, our earnings, our savings, our intellect, our knowledge, our experience, our mystical abilities, our character etc. etc. But we don’t often recognise that we have pride related to love.

A Strange Pride – Maybe Jealousy

With this strange type of pride, we want to be loved more and the most. This aspect of pride comes out when others are in the picture. It may well be called jealousy, but a jealousy not related to fear or lust but to pride.

Part of the Identity

What’s more this aspect of pride has made some of its identity or self-worth out of being loved the most and more. It does not want to be humble and accept say second place just for a moment.

The person feels that at their very core they are being crumbled away or debased. The interesting thing is as a consciousness or as a Being we are not the love of others, or most love or the more love from others.

We Can’t Do Anything Really About It

Others loving or not loving us is the business of their heart, we can’t control that at all, we have very little say in it actually.

We may be so good to a person and another is not so good yet the person we want to love us really loves the ‘not so good’ person.

When this Pride Goes Irate

This aspect of pride gets really bad when people are in a relationship and the one with e pride thinks “we are married or together and so I am meant to be loved the most and more, if not what the hell I am doing in this marriage or relationship”.

The above thinking seems pretty logical, and it can be questioned, though believing that thought only adds to the pain. So maybe it is worth questioning and seeing that for a second or a moment others can be loved more than us if we are married or in a relationship.

End (980).

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