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Tuesday 12 July 2016

Esoteric (Secret) Cause of War - (959)


Basically what I am going to do in this post is to summarise what Gurdjief wrote about in relation to why wars exist.

Master Samael wrote about this quoting from Gurdjief in his Book “Social Transformation of Humanity”. As far as I know this book has not been translated nor published in English yet. Mind you it is not very easy to find it in Spanish these days either.

In a post to follow this one I will provide the actual text from Gurdjief where he explains the esoteric cause of war. Sorry it is a bit complicated, just read the conclusion if it gets too much.

Summary of the Explanation

Gurdjief explained that there existed a hypothesis amongst ancient society of wise men in Atlantis that nature requires always a certain number of death s every year and to nature it does not matter whether these deaths be animals or human beings, only that this number is fulfilled. Some ancient societies knew this and so in order to save the lives of human beings they instituted a system of deliberate animal sacrifices.

However, later in time these animal sacrifices were abolished and so as this quota of deaths had still to be satisfied and for many years it wasn’t satisfied there came the first world war.

However the theory of these wise men was close to reality but there was something that they had overlooked. He overlooked the issue of quality not quantity.

They overlooked that nature needs certain vibrations that come from human being during their life and during their death.

Gurdjief explained that the real reason of existence on Earth is for human beings to produce certain vibrations or energies that feed the planet and the Moon and the second moon he called Anulios. The Moon needed to be maintained so to avoid the future danger of it disintegrating or falling out of its orbit. This vibration of the sacred askokin being issued from human beings maintained the Earth-Moon-Anulios system in harmony.

The role of human beings he said was to produce this cosmic substance called askokin, which is the same substance that creates the solar bodies, which is the result of the mercury and the sulphur (don’t worry I am going to post more on this later).

Gurdjief explained that there was a time when human beings were elaborating this sacred substance called askokin and there was harmony. That is in these times human beings were working on themselves and were transmuting their sexual energy thus liberating the sacred askokin from their sexual energy where the Earth would benefit.

However he says human beings stopped doing this consciously and so poor mother nature had to adapt so as to continue receiving the same amount of the sacred askokin. And that adaptation was world war one and world war two.


Basically the planet needs this substance called askokin and it is produced by the human beings living on the planet. This substance can be given to the Earth by human beings transmuting their sexual energy, single or married. If the Earth does not receive enough of it, it looks for it from another source and that source is the blood of human beings and animals, this is because that substance askokin resides in the blood of human beings and animals. Therefore bloodshed is needed to release this substance so that the Earth can absorb it. That bloodshed is war.

End (959).

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