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Monday 25 July 2016

Focusing Consciousness onto the Processes of Causation Within Us - (990)

Causes within Us - Introduction

Because we cause so many things for good or for bad, we need to really put our consciousness into our causes, that is to be much more aware of what is being formed and moving outwards from our inner dimension of causes.

From our inner dimension of causes (causal body) comes everything that we say, think, feel and do. This is because there is no effect without a cause. Everything has a cause and so everything that we manifest had it origin in our causal dimension.

Obviously if we modify causes within us or create different causes within us everything that flows down from the world of causes will be different. The causes that we have within pre-determine the actions and events of our physical life. If we can consciously create causes we will consciously be able to determine actions and events in our life.

For the most of us the causes that we have in our causal dimension already exist and so they determine events without our intervention and we simply react to the various happenings (words, actions and reactions of others, impressions etc.)  inside the events.

Image for the Causal Body
A representation of the causal body of the human being.

Modifying Causes Within Us

The key is to modify causes within us, that is, to not have the cause in us anymore for us acting angrily when we are sworn out, for example. Or to find the causes within us and then go and modify that cause, that is not make it so that it generates such an angry reaction when we are sworn at.

A cause is a reason, a need, a lack, a misperception etc. A cause could even be something from the Being, like the cause for scepticism or black magic Master Samael says could well be in the Being of the person where the Being uses these egos as shield or a prevention to stop the person or vehicle (His vehicle) from working to achieve the realisation of the Being (Himself), because at least in that life the Being of that person is not interested in His self-realisation.

There are in reality levels and level of causes and it is our work to go all the way back through these levels of causes and find the original one.

What Causes in Us?

It is always the ego or the free essence that cause in us. There that is where we need to be aware of our dimension of causes so as to generate different causes and create different circumstances.

Before there is imagination or mind there is a cause. The cause transforms into will but in the hands of the ego will is transformed into desire. In the hands of the ego a cause is usually a need. If the ego is not present there is cause, then will, then mind then emotion then action and word. With the ego present there is a need, a desire then mind, then feeling, then reactions or actions and then words.


IF we can move our consciousness or awareness or observation into our dimension of causes where all of our causes are formed we will benefit greatly. Causes are perceived as energies or forces or impulses and their reason for being is first observed in the mind and is later manifested here in the physical world.

This type of observation makes our causes much more tangible and therefore workable, giving us a chance to modify them. The way we modify causes is by using our consciousness and by also using our will. Because to modify something on the level of causes we have to use something to modify causes that are on the same level as the causes or above them. Mind does not help here only consciousness and will make a difference here.

End (990).

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