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Sunday 31 July 2016

Had a Bad Start to the Day? Transform it! - (1001)


Sometimes we start the day off on the wrong foot. Early in the morning for some reason we end up falling into or developing a strange internal state and out of that internal state we manifest certain egoic attitudes that are later accompanied by egoic actions and words, and it can seem that we have already been defeated by some of our egos.

Usually Good to Start the Day Well

Usually it is very important to start the day well, because from a good start to the day many good outcomes follow.

Transform it Don’t Let it Continue that Way!

So If our day is not going too well right from the start, we have don’t have to allow it to continue this way we can if we chose, transform it or turn it around. But to do that we have to stop, take some time out and work.

A Way to Transform it!

What is quite helpful, is to quickly stop what you are doing, close your eyes if you can and then contrite on your interior, focus on that interior state and find out what it is about, what is the disagreement or disturbance within us all about? Then concentrate on the Divine Mother and ask for illumination to see the consequences of allowing that internal state to continue and then see how much better it would be for us if we changed it and took the side of the work. Then if you have time and space chant KRIM to help dislodge that internal state. The most important thing though is to retreat for a short while and go inside as deeply as you can, it is this contact with our interior that helps immensely.

End (1001).

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