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Thursday 21 July 2016

Secrets of Fear - (986)


Fear holds many secrets and the purpose of this post to present some of those secrets or inner aspects of fear that often go unnoticed especially when we experience fear.

Scared of the Consequences and not of the Person, Event, Object etc.

One of those secrets is that we are not scared of the event, object, person, occurrence, etc. etc. but of the consequences, and it is the thought of the consequences that brings and inflicts fear upon us.

We can't alter the consequecnes of our decisions
That is what we really fear that there will be consequences and that we can not change those consequences.

Taking Responsibility Diminishes Fear

One huge secret is to take responsibly for the mistake or mistakes that we have made before the Divine Law. Why do we say this? Because of the following:

1) Mistake -> 2) Consequences -> 3) Pain -> 4) Rejection ->5) Fear.

The above process is the process of the creation of fear inside of us. As you can see fear begins with some sort of mistake or transgression. Therefore fear has its origin in a mistake. We know in ordinary life if we have done the right thing, that is followed the law at every step and we are honest then we have absolutely nothing at all to be scared or worried about. But if we have not followed the law, have lied, have performed some tricks along the way and have made some wrong decisions, we will be worried because we know that the law will catch up with us.

So when we take responsibility for our mistakes and decide to declare to the Divine Law that we have made such and such a mistake and that we wish to pay for those errors and correct our psychology from inside, so as to not make these mistakes in the future we will see that fear diminishes, not completely but considerably.

Well sometimes we do not know the mistakes that have caused our fear, anyway that does not stop us from praying to the Divine Law and taking responsibility for the mistakes that we have committed that are behind this fear that we are experiencing.

Rules of Life - regarding actions and consequences
That's the trick we are not free of the consequences and that is what we fear and
that is what pride really dislikes and tries to fight. This is how fear and pride are linked

Karma and Time

Fear is due also to our experiences with karma. Because we know deep down within us that karma is impeccable and that it will catch up with us and when it does it will send us pain. Mind you it is the pain that only we have caused. Fear works in time and so when there is time or a waiting period fear appears.

Result of our Fall

Fear is the result of our falls and the punishment, consequences or karma that resulted from these actions that caused our fall.

Deep Meaning

The deep significance of fear is that we fear the Law, and behind that is the ignorance of the law and behind that is the loss of the consciousness.

It's deep meaning is that we fear that we won’t ever be able to get back to the Being. Fear is characterised by a lack of hope and when we generate hope that we can and we will dissolve fear adn overcome the obstacles that lie in our way something changes in us, and we feel better.

Trust - a Powerful Antidote

The antidote to fear is trust. That is, to trust based on facts. That is the major key and trust is the value that makes a big difference when it comes to counteracting fear.

Remember Trust based on facts is a very powerful remedy for fear. When you
are trying to trust there must be something that you know that works and therefore
with that knowledge there can be trust.
For this trust to work we have to have a series of facts behind us, or either to be offering something promising for the future. Because what we fear happening is all controlled by the law. If we are prepared, the law will take care of us. That is, if we have capital and the values that are needed to overcome the consequences of what we fear we don’t need fear because we will be able to pass through those circumstances that we think will be painful without so much hardship.

The second stage of trust is where we based on understanding say to ourselves “whatever happens we will make it through".

Minor Points

We should not pray with pain and suffering because that brings pain and suffering upon us. We can avoid this by praying with love.

Because fear has to do with karmic debts and the path is about cancelling karmic debts fear appears strongly in the middle of the path and also at the end of the path.

End (986).

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