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Tuesday 26 July 2016

The Egos are Single Isolated Entities - (994)

The Egos are Islands

Every ego is an island. It is isolated, and this is because one ego just goes for what it wants and ignores totally what the other egos want or are interested in.

For example, the ego of smoking or drinking alcohol does not care at all about the ego who is afraid of death. This is how the egos in us are by nature!

Align the Islands

The first step is to align all these islands or link them. The way to do this is to use our memory which creates a link between them. With memory we can remember the other egos that we have and know that the other egos will not like what this one wants to do and so we will increase our awareness of our the egos in our psyche and be able to create a coherent line of behaviour without so many contradictions.

This straight away produces an order inside of ourselves. Before we dissolve the ego we actually have to produce order in our psyche and have our egos all lined up and ordered. This way we know which egos we are going to eliminate.


We really need to create a coherent line in our psyche. This is done by putting our consciousness at the centre of our psyche and displacing the egos we have to the periphery or the outer darkness of our psyche.

If we do this we will also become aware of the egos in others and understand that their egoic structure has many islands to it and so that is why they behave the way that they do with all their contradictions etc. It is therefore something that is not personal, it is just the way the ego is structured by nature in everyone.

End (994).

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