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Tuesday 19 July 2016

There is a Seven Fold Aspect to the Alchemy - (976)


This is a teaching that my marvellous missionary has taught many times in the past and one which he reiterated in two of the recent retreats.

Sexual Energy in the Practice of Alchemy Moves in the Seven Dimensions

The couple form a magnetic and electric-circuit from the sexual centre to the brain to the heart.

The sexual energy circulates through this electric and magnetic circuit in the Alchemical couple via the seven dimensions. The sexual energy moves between the seven dimensions via the seven circuits.
As soon as there is a sexual connection, the virile member multiplies or unfolds into the seven dimensions, the same in the lady and the same with the sexual energy of both parties.

The Alchemy therefore then involves all of the bodies. That is the values present in each body circulate through to the same body in the man and the woman. Alchemy is definitely not only a physical sexual matter but also a matter where the transference of values and energies occurs in the other six dimensions of the couple and what occurs on these six other levels is very important to produce the right results in the practice.

Emotional Aspect

The emotional aspect or participation of the lady in the practice moves via her astral part to the man to form the astral body in the man and vice versa, the emotional contribution of the man to the practice moves via his astral member to the lady to form her astral body.

The same occurs in the mind and in the will of both the man and woman.

What this Means in Practical Terms

This is why it is so important that both the man and the woman are actively participating in all of the aspects of the Alchemical work which includes the three factors.

Because if the lady for example is not interested in the three factors and in realising herself what will she bring in her emotions, mind and will to the practice of alchemy? There will not be much there in those bodies of emotion, mind and will to transfer or to contribute. There most likely will be the opposite of what is needed (i.e. disdain, negative thoughts and ill-will). Because the practice of Alchemy is really for self-realisation and if the other person is not interested the Alchemy will only be operating on the physical and vital level but not so well on the other levels or dimensions.

End (976).

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