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Sunday 28 August 2016

As Long as an Ego is not Dead it Must Come Back - (1075)

Introduction – Every Ego Wishes to Continue Living

Every ego is made to live. So it is so natural that as long as it is alive it will try and try to enter our human machine to feed and exert its existence.

Dissolution the Solution

The solution is always elimination or dissolution with the help of the Divine Mother.

We Must be Ready!

It may go away for a while. Though it soon enough begins to send signals to our psychology that it is going to come back.

Well, we have to be ready!

Separation is Key!

It does us well to know that it is an ego, programmed or conditioned to produce certain thoughts and corresponding feelings. It has a will to make its desire take place in the physical world.

We will also do well to know that it is not us and that is what it must do, though we do not have to go through with that. We can observe and witness it trying to exert its will or desire through thoughts, feelings etc. but we do not have to go through with it.

That is separation! Keeping it separate from us leads to comprehension and that leads to a deeper level of comprehension which is repentance and then elimination or dissolution is a natural consequence.

End (1075).

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