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Friday 5 August 2016

Counteracting Identification, Fascination and Dream - (1022)

Counteracting Identification, with the Antidote - Comprehension

The first antidote is to comprehend the factor which counteracts the first manifestation of hypnosis, which is identification.

That first antidote is comprehension. Comprehension allows us to know that we are not the ego, but rather we are the really the essence and that when we get identified it is our free essence that assumes the identify of one or another ego, and that ego is not us. When we comprehend this we deeply and we have this in our background we can counteract identification.

Also understanding the person involved in the event, understanding their point of view and understanding the ego is us that would like to react all helps immensely to not allow our free essence to assume the identity of the ego, which could be the angry upset person, the person who has been wronged, the person who is a victim of the ill-actions of others, the person who is not good enough, the person who does not belong, the person who is tired and is doing it tough, the person who never gets listened to, the person who is not appreciated, the person who is being used, the loser, the winner, the best, etc. etc.

Comprehension is liberation! When we comprehend something we are liberated from it. It may still exist in our psyche but we are not ruled by it. Comprehension changes us, we act differently and are different when we comprehend something.

Comprehension is of the consciousness and consciousness is prajna, and prajna is light, knowledge and wisdom.

Counteracting Fascination, with the Antidote - Revelation

When we have a mini revelation or self-discovery about ourselves or about our psyche we break free of fascination.

The easiest way to get this revelation is using duality. It is to see that it is us who is projecting, it is us who is responsible for our discontent, it is our own psyche that is interpreting someone’s words in a painful way, it is us who has difficulty when we think it is the other person, that things should have happened the way that they did, when we realise that we are not seeing reality we hit what is called mini self-discoveries which are mini revelations. A revelation is always about realising a certain truth. It is never ever about dreaming.

Revelation which is a discovery counteracts fascination.

Counteracting Sleep or Dream with the Antidote - Action

Action of the consciousness radically modifies sleep or dream. To dream is to do nothing or to be passive or to be doing the really wrong thing altogether. When due to the previous stages of comprehension and revelation our consciousness becomes clear on what it must o do to shake off any possible dreaming effects.

So then the consciousness acts and with this action, which could be only an internal action, such as stopping the thoughts the sleep of the consciousness is avoided or warded off.

End (1022).

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