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Wednesday 3 August 2016

How to Work these Causal “I’s” - (1012)

Find the Value Involved

In every causal ego and every ego for that matter there is a value of our Being involved. In fact it is at the very core of that ego.

The way we find the value is to find out what that ego really wants or is about.

Once we find what the ego really wants or is about we can find the value and then start to cultivate the value.

The so very interesting thing is, is that value is in the subconscious, we do not see it and when we do see it we end up liberating a part of the subconscious. Karma works through the subconscious and it is subconscious. It must be subconscious because that is the way it drives us to desire suffering.

Using Duality to Find the Value

Karma works so mathematically precisely with duality. Karma uses duality. What the ego wants is the inversion of what it lost and now the ego is there trying to compensate for this loss, however it is compensating in the inverted way again which is wrong and only produces more suffering.

We need some examples to see this better.



Fear we see trusts that something bad will happen. So the value there is about trust. We have to trust in others, in the Being, in ourselves and in the capacity of our Being to make it through whatever happens.


Self-love is about receiving love from others so that it can feel love for itself. So the value there is really love for the Being and love for others.

See how loving gives you back a value! In this case it is courage.

By the principle of other we see that instead of receiving love we have to give love and love our Being from ourselves and not through others.


Let’s take lust. Lust is certainly an ego that is causal or can be causal in certain people, not in everyone.

Looking deep into it we see that it certainly wants something. It may want love for example through sensations, it may want satisfaction of its desires, to receive love, be loved and adored etc. just as an example.

So then lust’s role is to search for such an arrangement or situation where this takes place, that is, it finds love through sensations, i.e. a sexual type of love, receives satisfaction and is loved and adored emotionally or intellectually or sexually just depending on the particular type of ego of lust it is.

So then let’s see the polarisation involved, it desires this type of love because it lost it, it wants to receive what it lost, because it does not have love in this way. But he love it is trying to get is the opposite of the love it lost. Let’s see how this works.

When we invert this using the principle of duality we see that what we lost was sexuality with love and so that the ego is trying to compensate for that by trying to get love through sexuality. This is the value involved - sexuality with love. So in the past we had this value but lost it and so we have to cultivate it once again, and the work of cultivating it pays the karma involved.

We lost this value because we surpassed a limit, that is we abused or over did something, we took too much, we stopped loving the spirit and focussed more on sensations or matter, or we over satisfied our desires in the past and now we can not satisfy our desires and we are wanting to receive love through sexuality instead of loving, and combining love and sexuality in an edifying way.

We will also see that in wanting this love through the senses or sexuality we are not loving really and that is why we just make our situation worse when the ego gets what it wants.

To cultivate this value we have to transmute with love in whatever we way we can.

End (1012).

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