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Wednesday 17 August 2016

Karma is Paid Exercising the Opposite of What Produced the Karma - (1044)

Karma with People

The Karma that we have with people is cancelled when we exercise on them the opposite of the value that previously inflicted them.


For example when we have a certain very difficult relationship with someone that karma involved there is paid when we begin to exercise say tolerance, patience, kindness and love, because before we treated them with intolerance, impatience, anger and disdain or disrespect.

Hardship Pays the Karma

The hardship in exercising these values of our Being on that person pays the karma along with the beautiful results which are the positive feelings that the other person feels when we exercise on them these beautiful values of our Being.

This hardship is much superior that the hardship of being hit by the karma and feeling the pain.

Karma is paid with action! Not with intentions, reading or praying! This is because it was created with action.
End (1044).

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