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Monday 15 August 2016

Lake George Retreat Notes – Day 2 - (1038)

Introduction (6 Note Sections)

This post contains the notes taken during the second day of the retreat at Lake George.

Would love to go there in winter or autumn.

Karmic Egos

Karmic egos are those that are associated with karmic causes.

Karma has to be round, because we have to re-encounter ourselves again. If karma were linear we would just continue forward far away from our errors and never re-encounter the consequences of our errors. Karma by law is a re-encounter with ourselves which must be round.

Karmic programming is all about making us to desire what destroys stops or limits us.

The way we pay the karma through the work is by acting to develop the virtue or value that we proclaimed ourselves against. The effort and hardship to develop this value is the payment of karma.
This process is needed to pay the law back for the karma associated with that particular ego.

The karma uses duality, the reversed always gets us. It is always the same value but in the inverse or reversal or inside out.

Conditioning of Duality I

This post s about the conditioning of duality. It has been written in an outline format making it easier to read and it ever needed it can be used as a lecture.

•We only see one side of duality.
•A mini awakening begins when we see both sides.
•Seeing both sides, i.e. both aspects of duality, neutralises and takes us to the third which is the truth or reality.
•The side that we see is only one side that benefits us and most often is not the truth.
•We see the side expressing in the conscious mind using our internal word.
•The other side of duality is in the sub-conscious and is the side that we don’t see.
•When we see both sides we create a mini awakening.
•One side in relativity will always be truer.

Conditioning of Duality II

Practice the turn around, the inside out, the reversal, the inverse. This reversal helps us to see the conditioning of duality can be done in the following ways:

•The exact opposite: “you don’t love me” to “you do love me”.
•Applied to me as the reference point in the negative: “you don’t love me” to “I don’t love you”.
•Applied to you as the reference point in the positive: “you don’t love me” to “I love you”.

If we are really honest we will see that one of these reversals is much truer than the first argument put forward by the ego of hurt self-love.

How to Chant Mantras

The way to chant mantras is to throw the sound inwards and to really get absorbed in the sound. Become the sound and vibrate totally with it.


There are certainly some major points to do with fantasy. here are actually 3 major points. They are:

Fantasy is About Escape

 It is used to escape the disagreeable reality we find ourselves in. If we really liked or loved our reality this part of fantasy would be made redundant.

Fantasy is About a Mechanism of Compensation

We use fantasy to compensate for the things we lack or desire and cannot have or become.

Fantasy is Directly Related to the Environment in which we are in

This applies because always in the environment in which we are in we lack something in relation to the people who are in the environment. We lack or can lack things in the physical and in the psychological in relation to the environment. For example, everyone has a car and you don't and you are not appreciated while others are etc.


Trust helps us to restore the unbalanced scale within us. Trust takes us closer to the Being and distrust takes us away from the Being.

Fear is Distrust

Fear is about distrust. It is to trust that something bad will happen to me.

Trust works on two levels. The trapped essence is scared of the consequences, not of the action. For example, the trapped essence is not scared of being shot but it is scared of the consequences of being shot.

Scared of Destiny

We are scared of destiny, really we are scared of our destiny and not being able to pay our karma and not being able to defeat our destiny that would take us away from the Being We inherited this fear from the ancient Earth Moon where When descended to the Earth from the moon we felt due to our karma that we would not defeat our karma and be able to return to the Being.

Fear is the Karma for the Fall

Fear is the karma for having fallen. We are scared to surrender to the Being because of Pride which says we can do it without the Being. Fear, pride and last are all linked together with the fall.

End (1038).

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