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Monday 15 August 2016

Lake George Retreat Notes – Day 4, Part I - (1040)

Introduction (7 Note Sections)

This post contains the notes taken during the fourth day of the retreat at Lake George. Note, on the third day I didn’t take any notes, that’s why I havn’t posted any notes for that day.

The Ego lives in the Small Details (1/7)

A very important observation of the ego is that it lives in the small details. It depends upon or nourishes itself using the small details, which are the small words that people say, the small gestures, the nicknames, a smile, good night, good morning, opening the door a phone call etc.

The egos that we have actually nourish themselves with these small details. We can work to dissolve these things and as we do we give the ego less food and it begins to starve, and therefore die.

Gnosis does not Belong to this World (2/7)

If we look hard at the Gnostic doctrine we see that Gnosis really is something that does not belong to the world. It really does not belong to the current human psychology. It has a nature so different to the psychological nature of human beings.

This means then that Gnosis must came from another world or from another dimension. Master Samael says that Gnosis is a natural functionalism of the consciousness, therefore it comes from the consciousness and from the internal worlds and they are for the consciousness.

Your Pain is not You! (3/7)

We have to see that the pain that we feel does come from the essence and it is not us as we are the essence and it is not of our essential nature and it will pass, this is where we need separation! Recognition is a major part of separation! We have to see that it is of our mind and it is an illusion and as soon as that ego passes we feel fine again.

Value and Function of Sexuality (4/7)

Really if we look deeply into sexuality we see that its real function is for the spirit. We know this because above all sex affects us spiritually the most. If we misuse sex we fall spiritually and if we use it correctly we ascend spiritually.

Sex really has a spiritual function and ally when we use. i tor the spirit it assumes or lakes on it real role or function in life.

Emotional Baggage (5/7)

We come all of us to Gnosis with a certain degree of emotional baggage. Our work is to reduce bit by bit that quantity of emotional baggage.

If after some years working on ourselves we still have the same amount of emotional baggage we have not done much!

When are we Responsible for Hurting Others? (6/7)

You know many times in life we, meaning well we up annoying or hurting another person. We were very nice, sweet, considerate and kind, yet they did not take tat so well. In such a case we are not held karmic ally responsible for such harm that the person felt.

We are only karmically responsible when we intentionally meant to hurt another person, and they were actually hurt or felt hurt. This is because the cause was in us – the intention to hurt matched the effect. In the case where we didn't mean to hurt and we did, the cause did not match the effect.

Point of Reference in the Consciousness (7/7)

One property of the psychological moon or permanent centre of gravity is that one's point of reference is in the consciousness.

Normally, our point of reference is in others or in our personality. For example we feel happy only when others are happy or are happy with us. This means that to be happy we are dependent on others, we derive our own happiness based on others.

It is us that generates happiness but based in the input from others. We all generate our own happiness or state of well being, how we generate it is the big question. If we generate it based on others we are slaves, if we generate it based on ourselves we are free.

Just that the way it is done can vary. It can be based on others or based on something else, like our consciousness; Or on the simplest of levels it is from ourselves, from our own actions etc. But for the psychological moon it is the consciousness. Thus the presence of conscience. With the conscience in our centre of gravity we feel that we are ok in our life or not, based on objective clues from our consciousness.

End (1040).

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