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Wednesday 31 August 2016

Manifestations of Resentment are Mathematical - (1079)


Resentment at the end of the day is all about balance. Resentment is a psychological debt where there is within us a need for something to be compensated.

We are usually left with a psychological debt when we could not get balance or compensation straight away. This may have been due to the circumstances or due to our particular nature – polite, respectful, slow thinking etc. Though when we do not receive compensation from the outside that is from another person we get resentful, or if we are not able to compensate from within using the esoteric work we end up being resentful as well. When we don’t compensate or balance ourselves from within we must seek compensation from the outside and this is revenge, and resentment is very mathematical in revenge because it is about balance. If you read on you will see how it works.

Mathematical in Pay Back Quality

Resentment pays back to the other with impressions of exactly the same quality or value. Exactly the same, it is amazing. If it was words that hurt us, it pays back with words, if it was actions that hurt it pays back with the same actions. We pay back this way and we are not even aware of how we are paying back with the same value. We do it mechanically.

Mathematical in Pay Back Quantity

Resentment subsides when we have paid back the other to the same degree that we have felt hurt.

Resentment only really subsides when we have equalled the playing grounds. If we go too far resentment goes away altogether and we are left with a happiness that we don’t like to admit in the background and a pity for the other person in the foreground. A strange thing, we are happy that the debt has been cancelled and sad for the pain the other is feeling.

Resentment does not subside until we are equal. If what caused our resentment was a one event thing and that event can not be repeated to exact a pay back, then resentment pays back in instalments and when the equal amount has been paid out resentment magically stops, or at least it's pay back actions stop.

Long Memory

Resentment has a long memory. It waits in our subconscious and when the time is right it pays backs with the same value.


Resentment because it is about balance is mathematical in what it pays out in quality and quantity. And it is the subconscious. It works via memory. If we were to lose our memory, we would lose resentment. All of our resentments are in our subconscious. So we can not clean the subconscious without working our resentments!

If we can balance ourselves from within we do not fall into resentment. Sometimes even if we solve the issue straight away on the spot we don’t fall into resentment either. But that is tricky. The work and psychological death is the best always.

End (1079).

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