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Monday 22 August 2016

Self-Inflicted Attention Seeking Injuries - (1052)


We often, when we think others don’t like us inflict in action or words negative circumstances upon ourselves.

We do this when we can not compensate the offence with love for our own Being. So we flip to the opposite side
self-hatred trying to get the softness of the offender to set things right again. Self-inflicted injury comes from
self-hate which is the opposite of the love for our own Being that is inside of ourselves and is us.


To get the compassion or pity of others. As a way to solve the situation or to bring consideration or apology or attention out of the other that is upset with us.

We hit our heads on a wall, we say very negative things about ourselves, we want to leave, we deliberately harm the good image others have of us, we throw away the nice possessions that we have, we ruin our health with drinking, over eating or worse…

All these actions show us that what is really reacting inside of our psyche is like a wrong self-love, a self-love that is based on what others think or what we think others think of us and as that is not self-compensating we seek compensation through the negative side to get a positive reaction from the other.

That is not Love for the Being

In that, there is no love for ourselves or the Being. It is like self-hatred, which comes from not being able to love our Being inside and from the lack of the ability to generate love for our Being. Because we have to come to the conclusion that to love our Being is not to harm his temple or others either.

The real love comes when we love our Being first by have the reference point of love in our essence for our Being. This is a love outside of relativity and is self-balancing and self-generating. Which does not succumb to hatred or oneself or others, but loves the Being and the Beings of others and then it also loves other human beings.

Eliminate it!

Once understanding this and knowing that we must not rely on others to compensate our hurt or offence we must compensate from within the right way, by ourselves not using others. Otherwise we will not possess ourselves and we will always be slaves.

End (1052).

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